Buy a Lift-Mate Snow Plow

  • The Benefits of using a lift-mate are astounding...

    Lift-Mate was designed for your forklift. You can use equipment you already have!

    • Trip springs prevent damage from obstacles and rough or uneven surfaces.

    • Less downtime waiting for daytime snow removal - time is money!

    • Easy angling and back grade abilities allow you to go where your forklift can go.

    SAVES YOUR COMPANY MONEY on outside snow removal services.

  • Using components that work

    • Constructed with 3/16” roll plate with steel ribs to reinforce stress points.

    • Cutting edge is 1/2” x 6” hardened steel; mass and strength ensure easy, clean snow removal for years to come.

    • Simple, smooth and angling apparatus allows the operator to use plow wherever necessary.

    • All locking pins and bolts are grade five hardened steel.

Angle Wings $356.00 with attaching bolts